К вопросу о применении устройств контроля притока в горизонтальных и многоствольных скважинах

On the issue of the use of inflow control devices in horizontal and multilateral wells

Ufa State Oil Technical University
Ufa, 450062, Russian Federation

Одной из основных проблем при разработке пластов с высокой расчлененностью и фациальной изменчивостью с наличием как высокопроницаемых, так и малопроницаемых интервалов, вскрытых горизонтальными скважинами, является неравномерный приток флюида в скважину. При этом частым явлением являются прорывы подошвенных вод или газа из газовой шапки, способных снизить поступление нефти к горизонтальной скважине. Одним из решений подобных проблем при строительстве горизонтальных скважин является оборудование скважин интеллектуальными поинтервальными устройствами контроля притока.

В публикации описаны конструктивные особенности устройств контроля притока, их классификация, проблемы и решения, связанные с применением устройств контроля притока, преимущества относительно других способов заканчивания скважин и сравнение эффективности устройств в зависимости от геолого-технологических условий пласта.

One of the main problems in the development of reservoirs with high dissection and facies variability with the presence of both highly permeable and low-permeable intervals opened by horizontal wells is the uneven flow of fluid into the well. At the same time, breakthroughs of plantar water or gas from the gas cap are a frequent phenomenon, which can reduce the flow of oil to the horizontal well. One of the solutions to such problems in the construction of horizontal wells is the equipment of wells with intelligent interval flow control devices.
The publication describes the design features of inflow control devices, their classification, problems and solutions associated with the use of inflow control devices, advantages relative to other methods of well completion and comparison of the effectiveness of devices depending on the geological and technological conditions of the formation.

Если вас интересует полный текст статьи, Вы можете заказать ее в издательстве.


1. Урванцев Р. В. Интеллектуальное заканчивание горизонтальных скважин в условиях высокопроницаемых расчлененных коллекторов с маловязкой нефтью / Р.В. Урванцев // Международный студенческий научный вестник. – 2018.
– № 2. – С. 57. – EDN XNNDZJ.
2. Garcia, L. et al, 2009, "The first Passive Inflow Control Device That Maximizes Productivity During Every Phase of a Well's Life," paper IPTC 13863 presented at the 2009 IPTC Doha Qatar, 7–9 December.
3. Cao, Mengjing & Wu, Xiaodong & An, Yongsheng & Han, Guoqing & Wang, Ruihe & Liang, Bin. (2016). A Novel Inflow Control Device Design Philosophy of Optimizing Horizontal Well Performance. 10.2118/180286-MS.
4. Brekke K., Lien S.C. New Simple Completion Methods for Horizontal Wells Improve Production Performance in High-Permeability Thin Zone // SPE Drilling and Completion. – 1994
– V. 9. – P. 205–209.
5. Ouyang L-B. Uncertainty Assessment on Well-Performance Prediction for an Oil Producer Equipped with Selected Completions // Paper SPE 106966, 2007.
6. Martin Halvorsen, и др. Increased oil production at Troll by autonomous inflow control with RCP valves, 2012.
7. Stephen Greci Brandon Least, Mike Konopczynski, Kim Thornton, Halliburton. Inflow Control Devices Improve Production in Heavy Oil Wells. paper SPE, 2013. 167414.
8. Brandon Least, и др. The Theory of a Fluidic Diode Autonomous Inflow Control Device. SPE Middle East Intelligent Energy Conference and Exhibition, 28-30 October 2013, Manama, Bahrain.
9. Abduldayem, M.A., Shafiq, M., Al Douhan, N.D., and Baluch, Z.A.2007. Intelligent Completions Technology Offers Solutions to Optimize Production and Improve Recovery in Quad–Lateral Wells in a Mature Field. Paper SPE 110960 presented at the SPE Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia,
7–8 May. doi:10.2118/110960-MS.
10. Kleverlaan, M., van Noort, R.H., and Jones, I. 2005. Deployment of Swelling Elastomer Packers in Shell E&P. Paper SPE 92346 presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, 23–25 February. doi: 10.2118/92346-MS.
11. Birchenko, Vasily & Al-Khelaiwi, Faisal & Konopczynski, Michael & Davies, David. (2008). Advanced Wells: How To Make a Choice Between Passive and Active Inflow-Control Completions. 10.2118/115742-MS.


1. Urvantsev R.V. Intellektual'noye zakanchivaniye gorizontal'nykh skvazhin v usloviyakh vysokopronitsayemykh raschlenennykh kollektorov s malovyazkoy neft'yu [Intelligent completion of horizontal wells in conditions of high-permeability dissected reservoirs with low-viscosity oil]. Mezhdunarodnyy studencheskiy nauchnyy vestnik [International Student Scientific Bulletin], – 2018, – no. 2. – p. 57. – EDN XNNDZJ. (In Russian).
2. Garcia, L. et al, 2009, "The first Passive Inflow Control Device That Maximizes Productivity During Every Phase of a Well's Life," paper IPTC 13863 presented at the 2009 IPTC Doha Qatar, 7–9 December. (In English).
3. Cao, Mengjing & Wu, Xiaodong & An, Yongsheng & Han, Guoqing & Wang, Ruihe & Liang, Bin. (2016). A Novel Inflow Control Device Design Philosophy of Optimizing Horizontal Well Performance. 10.2118/180286-MS. (In English).
4. Brekke K., Lien S.C. New Simple Completion Methods for Horizontal Wells Improve Production Performance in High-Permeability Thin Zone. SPE Drilling and Completion. – 1994, – V. 9,
– pp. 205–209. (In English).
5. Ouyang L-B. Uncertainty Assessment on Well-Performance Prediction for an Oil Producer Equipped with Selected Completions. Paper SPE 106966, 2007. (In English).
6. Martin Halvorsen, i dr. Increased oil production at Troll by autonomous inflow control with RCP valves, 2012. (In English).
7. Stephen Greci Brandon Least, Mike Konopczynski, Kim Thornton, Halliburton. Inflow Control Devices Improve Production in Heavy Oil Wells. paper SPE, 2013. 167414. (In English).
8. Brandon Least, i dr. The Theory of a Fluidic Diode Autonomous Inflow Control Device. SPE Middle East Intelligent Energy Conference and Exhibition, 28–30 October 2013, Manama, Bahrain. (In English).
9. Abduldayem, M.A., Shafiq, M., Al Douhan, N.D., and
Baluch, Z.A. 2007. Intelligent Completions Technology Offers Solutions to Opti- mize Production and Improve Recovery in Quad–La-
teral Wells in a Mature Field. Paper SPE 110960 presented at the SPE Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia,
7–8 May. doi: 10.2118/110960-MS. (In English).
10. Kleverlaan, M., van Noort, R.H., and Jones, I. 2005. Deployment of Swell- ing Elastomer Packers in Shell E&P. Paper SPE 92346 presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, 23–25 February. doi: 10.2118/92346-MS.
(In English).
11. Birchenko, Vasily & Al-Khelaiwi, Faisal & Konopczynski, Michael & Davies, David. (2008). Advanced Wells. How To Make a Choice Between Passive and Active Inflow-Control Completions. 10.2118/115742-MS. (In English).

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    магистр кафедры Бурения нефтяных и газовых скважин

    Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет г. Уфа, 450062, РФ

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