Экспериментальное структурно-тектоническое моделирование – современный инструмент в решении геологических вопросов

Experimental structural-tectonic modeling is a modern tool in solution geological issues

1Bashkir State University
Ufa, 450076, Russian Federation
2Institute of Geology UFRC RAS,
Ufa, 450077, Russian Federation

Экспериментальное моделирование позволяет наглядно изучать важнейшие геологические феномены – горообразование, складчатость, осадконакопление и т.д. Уточнение геологического строения территорий с помощью этого метода является высокоперспективным подходом для поиска полезных ископаемых.

Experimental modeling makes it possible to visually study the most important geological phenomena – mountain building, folding, sedimentation, etc. Clarification of the territories geological structure using this method is a highly promising approach for the search for minerals.

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1. Koyi H. Analogue modelling: from qualitative to quantitative technique—a historical outline. Journal of Petroleum Geology. – 1997. – Vol. 20. – N 2. – P. 223–238.
2. Favre A. The formation of mountains // Nature. – 1878. – Vol. 19. – P. 103–106.
3. Daubrée G.A. Expériences tendant à imiter des formes diverses de ploiements, contournements et ruptures que présente l'écorce terrestre. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. – 1878. – Vol. 86. – N. 12. – P. 733–739, 864–869 and 928–931.
4. Daubrée G.A. Etudes synthétiques de Géologie Expérimentale. Dunot, Paris, 1879. Part 1, 478 pp., Part 472, 350 pp.
5. Pfaff F. Der Mechanismus der Gebirgsbildung, Heidelberg, 1880. – 143 p.
6. Cadell H.M. Experimental researches in mountain building // Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. – 1888. – N. 35. – P. – 337–357.
7. Willis B. The mechanics of Appalachian structure. In: Powell, J.W. (Ed.), Thirteenth Annual report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1891–1892: Part 2. USGS,– pp. 211–282.
8. Blaas J. Über geologische Studien- und Unterrichtsmodelle // Geologische Rundschau. – 1910. – Vol. 1. – N. 2. – P. 49–52.
9. Maillet R., Blondel F. Sur la similitude en tectonique // Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France. – 1934. – Vol. 4. – P. 599–602.
10. Hubbert M.K. Mechanical basis for certain familiar geologic structures // Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. – 1951. – Vol. 62(4), P. 355–372.
11. Gzovsky M.V. The use of scale models in tectonophysics // International Geology Review. – 1959. – Vol. 1. – P. 31–47.
12. Beloussov V.V. Tectonophysical investigations // Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. – 1960. – Vol. 71. – N. 8. – P. 1255–1270.
13. Dahlen F.A., Barr T.D. Brittle frictional mountain building 1. Deformation and mechanical energy budget. Journal of Geophysical Research. – 1989. – Vol. 94. – N. B4. – P. 3906–3922.
14. Graveleau F., Malavieille J., Dominguez S. Experimental modelling of orogenic wedges: A review // Tectonophysics, 2012 P. 538-540 DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.01.027.
15. Agarwal K.K., Agrawal G.K. A genetic model of thrust-bounded intermontane basin using scaled sandbox analogue models: an example from the Karewa Basin, Kashmir Himalayas, India. International // Journal of Earth Sciences. – 2005. – Vol. 94. – N. 1. – P. 47–52.
16. Vendeville B.C., Jackson M.P.A. The fall of diapirs during thin-skinned extension // Marine and Petroleum Geology. – 1992а. – Vol. 9. – N 4. – P. 354–371.
17. Mulugeta G., Koyi H. Three-dimensional geometry and kinematics of experimental piggyback thrusting // Geology. – 1987. – Vol. 15. – N 11. – P. 1052–1056.
18. Adam J., Urai J., Wieneke B., Oncken O., Pfeiffer K., Kukowski N., Lohrmann J., Hoth S., van der Zee, W., Schmatz J. Shear localisation and strain distribution during tectonic faulting—new insights from granular flow experiments and highresolution optical image correlation techniques // Journal of Structural Geology. – 2005. – Vol. 27. – N. 2. P. – 283–301.
19. Cruz L., Teyssier C., Perg L., Take A., Fayon A. Deformation, exhumation, and topography of experimental doubly-vergent orogenic wedges subjected to asymmetric erosion // Journal of Structural Geology. – 2008. – Vol. 30. – N. 1. – P. 98–115.
20. Leever K.A., Gabrielsen R.H., Faleide J.I., Braathen A. A transpressional origin for the West Spitsbergen fold-and-thrust belt: insight from analog modeling // Tectonics. – 2011. – Vol. 30. doi:10.1029/2010TC002753.
21. Nilforoushan, F., Koyi, H., Swantesson, J.O.H., Talbot, C. Effect of basal friction on surface and volumetric strain in models of convergent settings measured by laser scanner. Journal of Structural Geology 30 (3), 2008, – pp. 366–379.
22. Linck, G. Apparat zur Demonstration der Gebirgsfaltung // CentralBlatt für Geologie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, 1902, – p. 362–364.
23. Cotton, J., Koyi, H. Modeling of thrust fronts above ductile and frictional detachments: application to structures in the Salt Range and Potwar Plateau, Pakistan // Geological Society of America Bulletin 112 (3), 2000, – p. 351–363.
24. Lallemand, S.E., Schnurle, P., Malavieille, J. Coulomb theory applied to accretionary and non-accretionary wedges—possible causes for tectonic erosion and/or frontal accretion // Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (B6), 1994, – p. 12033–12055.
25. Konstantinovskaya, E.A., Rodriguez, D., Kirkwood, D., Harris, L.B., Thériault, R. Effects of basement structure, sedimentation and erosion on thrust wedge geometry: an example from the Quebec Appalachians and analogue models. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 57 (1), 2009, – p. 34–62.
26. Colletta, B., Letouzey, J., Ballard, J.F., Balle, P. Computerized X-ray tomography analysis of sandbox models: examples of thin-skinned thrust systems. Geology 19 (11), 1991, – p. 1063–1067.
27. Schreurs, G., Hanni, R., Panien, M., Vock, P. Analysis of analogue models by helical X-ray computed tomography. Geological Society, London, 2003, – p. 213–223. Special Publications, London.
28. Камалетдинов М.А. Покровные структуры Урала. М.: Наука, 1974. – 230 с.
29. Тетяев М.М. Геотектоника СССР. Л: ГОНТИ, Глав. ред. горно-топливной и геол.-развед. лит-ры, 1938. – 299 с.
30. Шатский Н.С. Очерки тектоники Волго-Уральской нефтеносной области и смежной части западного склона Южного Урала / под ред. А.Л. Яншина. М.: МОИП, 1945. – 131 с.
31. Кисин А.Ю. Структурное положение тектонического блока Каратау // Литосфера. – 2008. – № 4. – С. 35–47.
32. Тевелев А.В., Прудников И.А., Тевелев А.В., Хотылев А.О., Володина Е.А. Кинематическая модель формирования Симской мульды Предуральского краевого прогиба // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 4 Геология. – 2018. – №2. – С. 23–32.
33. Шакуров Р.К., Решетнева В.И., Светлакова А.Н. Особенности строения уральского Каратау (по геолого-геофизическим данным) // Формирование земной коры Урала. – 1988. – С. 91–97.


1. Koyi H. Analogue modeling. From qualitative to quantitative technique—a historical outline. Journal of Petroleum Geology. 1997, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 223–238. (In English).
2. Favre A. The formation of mountains. Nature Publ., 1878, vol. 19, pp. 103–106. (In English).
3. Daubrée G.A. Expériences tendant à imiter des formes diverses de ploiements, contournements et ruptures que présente l'écorce terrestre. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. 1878, vol. 86, no. 12, pp. 733–739, 864–869 and 928–931. (In France).
4. Daubrée G.A. Etudes synthétiques de Géologie Expérimentale. Dunot, Paris, 1879. part 1, pp. 478, part 472, pp. 350. (In France).
5. Pfaff F. Der Mechanismus der Gebirgsbildung, Heidelberg, 1880, p.143 (In German).
6. Cadell H.M. Experimental researches in mountain building. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Publ., – 1888, no. 35, pp. 337–357. (In English).
7. Willis B. The mechanics of Appalachian structure. Thirteenth Annual report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1891–1892, part 2, USGS, pp. 211–282. (In English).
8. Blaas J. Über geologische Studien- und Unterrichtsmodelle. Geologische Rundschau. 1910, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 49–52. (In German).
9. Maillet R., Blondel F. Sur la similitude en tectonique. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 1934, vol. 4, pp. 599–602. (In France).
10. Hubbert M.K. Mechanical basis for certain familiar geologic structures. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 1951, vol. 62(4), pp. 355–372. (In English).
11. Gzovsky M.V. The use of scale models in tectonophysics. International Geology Review, 1959, vol. 1, pp. 31–47. (In English).
12. Beloussov V.V. Tectonophysical investigations. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1960, vol. 71, no. 8, pp. 1255–1270. (In English).
13. Dahlen F.A., Barr T.D. Brittle frictional mountain building 1. Deformation and mechanical energy budget. Journal of Geophysical Research. – 1989, vol. 94, no. B4, pp. 3906–3922. (In English).
14. Graveleau F., Malavieille J., Dominguez S. Experimental modelling of orogenic wedges. A review Tectonophysics, 2012,
pp. 538–540. DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.01.027. (In English).
15. Agarwal K.K., Agrawal G.K. A genetic model of thrust-bounded intermontane basin using scaled sandbox analogue models. An example from the Karewa Basin, Kashmir Himalayas, India. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2005, vol. 94, no. 1,
pp. 47–52. (In English).
16. Vendeville B.C., Jackson M.P.A. The fall of diapirs during thin-skinned extension. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 1992. – vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 354–371.(In English).
17. Mulugeta G., Koyi H. Three-dimensional geometry and kinematics of experimental piggyback thrusting. Geology, 1987, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 1052–1056. (In English).
18. Adam J., Urai J., Wieneke B., Oncken O., Pfeiffer K., Kukowski N., Lohrmann J., Hoth S., van der Zee, W., Schmatz J. Shear localisation and strain distribution during tectonic faulting. New insights from granular flow experiments and highresolution optical image correlation techniques. Journal of Structural Geology, 2005, vol. 27, no. 2, pp.283–301. (In Engligh).
19. Cruz L., Teyssier C., Perg L., Take A., Fayon A. Deformation, exhumation, and topography of experimental doubly-vergent orogenic wedges subjected to asymmetric erosion. Journal of Structural Geology, 2008, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 98–115. (In English).
20. Leever K.A., Gabrielsen R.H., Faleide J.I., Braathen A. A transpressional origin for the West Spitsbergen fold-and-thrust belt. Insight from analog modeling. Tectonics, 2011, vol. 30. doi:10.1029/2010TC002753. (In English).
21. Nilforoushan, F., Koyi, H., Swantesson, J.O.H., Talbot, C. Effect of basal friction on surface and volumetric strain in models of convergent settings measured by laser scanner. Journal of Structural Geology 30 (3), 2008, pp. 366–379. (In English).
22. Linck, G. Apparat zur Demonstration der Gebirgsfaltung. CentralBlatt für Geologie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, 1902,
pp. 362–364. (In German).
23. Cotton, J., Koyi, H. Modeling of thrust fronts above ductile and frictional detachments: application to structures in the Salt Range and Potwar Plateau, Pakistan. Geological Society of America Bulletin 112 (3), 2000, pp. 351–363. (In English).
24. Lallemand, S.E., Schnurle, P., Malavieille, J. Coulomb theory applied to accretionary and non-accretionary wedges—possible causes for tectonic erosion and/or frontal accretion. Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (B6), 1994, pp. 12033–12055. (In English).
25. Konstantinovskaya, E.A., Rodriguez, D., Kirkwood, D., Harris, L.B., Thériault, R. Effects of basement structure, sedimentation and erosion on thrust wedge geometry: an example from the Quebec Appalachians and analogue models. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 57 (1), 2009, pp. 34–62. (In English).
26. Colletta, B., Letouzey, J., Ballard, J.F., Balle, P. Computerized X-ray tomography analysis of sandbox models. Examples of thin-skinned thrust systems. Geology 19 (11), 1991, pp. 1063–1067. (In English).
27. Schreurs, G., Hanni, R., Panien, M., Vock, P. Analysis of analogue models by helical X-ray computed tomography. Geological Society, London, 2003, pp. 213–223. Special Publications, London. (In English).
28. Kamaletdinov M.A. Pokrovnyye struktury Urala [Integumentary structures of the Urals]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1974, p. 230. (In Russian).
29. Tetyayev M.M. Geotektonika SSSR [Geotectonics of the USSR]. Leningrad GONTI Publ., Glav. red. gorno-toplivnoy i geol.-razved. lit-ry, 1938, p. 299. (In Russian).
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31. Kisin A.Yu. Strukturnoye polozheniye tektonicheskogo bloka Karatau [Structural position of the Karatau tectonic block]. Litosfera [Lithosphere], 2008, no 4, pp. 35–47. (In Russian).
32. Tevelev A.V., Prudnikov I.A., Tevelev A.V., Khotylev A.O., Volodina Ye.A. Kinematicheskaya model' formirovaniya Simskoy mul'dy Predural'skogo krayevogo progiba [Kinematic model of the formation of the Simskaya trough of the Cis-Ural foredeep]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 4 Geologiya. [Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 4 Geology.], 2018, no. 2, pp. 23–32. (In Russian).
33. Shakurov R.K., Reshetneva V.I., Svetlakova A.N. Osobennosti stroyeniya ural'skogo Karatau (po geologo-geofizicheskim dannym) [Features of the structure of the Ural Karatau (according to geological and geophysical data)]. Formirovaniye zemnoy kory Urala [Formation of the earth's crust of the Urals]. – 1988,
pp. 91–97. (In Russian).

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