Особенности геологического строения и разработки нефтяного месторождения «Уилмингтон» в Калифорнии

Peculiarities of geologic structure and development of Wilmington oil field in CaliforniaPeculiarities of geologic structure and development of Wilmington oil field in California

V. BOGOYAVLENSKIY, I. BOGOYAVLENSKIY, T. KARGINA, Oil and gas research institute Russian academy of sciences (OGRI RAS)

Проанализированы особенности геологического строения и результаты 80-летней разработки месторождения «Уилмингтон» (США). Обоснованы причины рекордного (до 9 м) проседания поверхности земли на первом 30-летнем этапе до начала водонагнетания, связанные с крупными геометрическими размерами залежей и гигантскими запасами углеводородов, крайне низким литостатическим уплотнением резервуаров, наличием серии крупных разломов и большими темпами нефтедобычи в центральной части месторождения.

Peculiarities of geologic structure and results of 80 years of Wilmington (USA) oil field development are analysed. Main reasons of 9 meters record subsidence of land and sea bottom on the first 30-years stage before water injection are substantiated. They are connected with large sizes and giant reserves of oil pools, very small lithostatic sealing of reservoir rocks, presence of several big faults and fast oil production temps.

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3. Богоявленский В.И. Арктика и Мировой океан: современное состояние, перспективы и проблемы освоения ресурсов углеводородов: Монография. М.: ВЭО, 2014. С. 11 – 175.
4. Лаверов Н.П., Богоявленский В.И., Богоявленский И.В. Фундаментальные аспекты рационального освоения ресурсов нефти и газа Арктики и шельфа России: стратегия, перспективы и проблемы // Арктика: экология, экономика. 2016. № 2 (22). С. 4 – 13.
5. Hauksson E., Gobel T., Ampuero J.-P., Cochran E. A. Сentury of oil-field operations and earthquakes in the greater Los Angeles Basin, southern California. The Leading Edge, June 2015, SEG. Downloaded 06/03/15 to Pp.650 – 656.
6. California oil and gas fields. Volume 2. Division of Oil and Gas, State of California, Publication № TR12, 1991.
7. Mayuga M.N. Geology and development of California’s Giant – Wilmington Oil Field. Geology of giant petroleum fields - Symposium: AAPG Memoir 14, 1970. Pp. 158 – 184.
8. Castle R.O., Yerkes R.F. Recent Surface Movements in the Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles County, California. Geological survey professional paper 882, US Gov. Printing Office, Washington, 1976. Library of Congress catalog-card No. 76-20775. 136 p.
9. Mayuga M.N., Allen D.R. Subsidence in the Wilmington oil field, Long Beach, California, U.S.A.: Proceedings of the Tokyo Symposium on Land Subsidence, International Association of Scientific Hydrology, Studies and reports in hydrology, IASH-UNESCO, 1, 1969. No. 88. Pp. 66 – 79.
10. Kovach R.L. Source mechanisms for Wilmington oil field, California, subsidence earthquakes: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 64, 1974, no. 3, part 1. Pp. 699 – 711.
11. Pratt W.E., Johnson D.W. Local subsidence of the Goose Creek oil field (Texas). Jour. Geology, 1926, v. 34. No. 7. Pp. 577 – 590.
12. Olson L.J. Belmont Offshore oil field. California Department of Conservation, Devision of oil and gas, Technical Papers 01 (1/84/DWRR/1m), 1974. Pp. 1 – 14.
13. Otott G.E., Clark D.D. History of the Wilmington field. Old oil fields and new life: a visit to the giants of the Los Angeles Basin, Pacific Section AAPG, 1996. Pp. 17 – 22.
14. Clarke D.D., Phillips C.C.Three-dimensional Geologic Modeling and Horizontal Drilling Bring More Oil out of the Wilmington Oil Field of Southern California. Horizontal wells: Focus on the reservoir: AAPG Methods in Exploration. No. 14, 2004. Pp. 27 – 47.
15. Smith T. Oil Under Foot. GEO ExPro, March 2007. Pp. 24 – 28.
16. Remaining Recoverable Petroleum in Ten Giant Oil Fields of the Los Angeles Basin, Southern California. Fact Sheet 2012 – 3120, Revised February 2013, USGS. 2013.


1. Adushkin V.V., Turuntaev S.B., Anthropogenic seismicity –
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2. Bogoyavlenskiy V.I. Bogoyavlenskiy I.V. Geological peculiarities of structure and oil and gas development in the North sea region. Groningen and Ekofisk // Drilling and oil. 2014. No. 4. Pp. 4 – 8.
3. Bogoyavlenskiy V.I. Arctic and World ocean: current state, prospects and challenges of hydrocarbon resources development: Monograph. M.: VEO, 2014. Pp. 11 – 175.
4. Laverov N.P. Bogoyavlenskiy V. I. Bogoyavlenskiy I. V. Fundamental aspects of rational development of Russian Arctic shelf oil and gas resources: strategy, prospects and challenges // Arctic: ecology, economy. 2016. No. 2 (22). Pp. 4 – 13.
5. Hauksson E., Gobel T., Ampuero J.-P., Cochran E. A. Сentury of oil-field operations and earthquakes in the greater Los Angeles Basin, southern California. The Leading Edge, June 2015, SEG. Downloaded 06/03/15 to Pp.650 – 656.
6. California oil and gas fields. Volume 2. Division of Oil and Gas, State of California, Publication No. TR12, 1991.
7. Mayuga M.N. Geology and development of California’s Giant – Wilmington Oil Field. Geology of giant petroleum fields-Symposium: AAPG Memoir 14, 1970. Pp. 158 – 184.
8. Castle R.O., Yerkes R.F. Recent Surface Movements in the Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles County, California. Geological survey professional paper 882, US Gov. Printing Office, Washington, 1976. Library of Congress catalog-card No. 76-20775. P.136.
9. Mayuga M.N., Allen D.R. Subsidence in the Wilmington oil field, Long Beach, California, U.S.A.: Proceedings of the Tokyo Symposium on Land Subsidence, International Association of Scientific Hydrology, Studies and reports in hydrology, IASH-UNESCO, 1, 1969. No. 88. Pp. 66 – 79.
10. Kovach R.L. Source mechanisms for Wilmington oil field, California, subsidence earthquakes: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 64, 1974, No. 3, part 1. Pp. 699 – 711.
11. Pratt W.E., Johnson D.W. Local subsidence of the Goose Creek oil field (Texas). Jour. Geology, 1926, V. 34. No. 7. Pp. 577 – 590.
12 Olson L.J. Belmont Offshore oil field. California Department of Conservation, Devision of oil and gas, Technical Papers 01 (1/84/DWRR/1m), 1974. Pp. 1 – 14.
13 Otott G.E., Clark D.D. History of the Wilmington field. Old oil fields and new life: a visit to the giants of the Los Angeles Basin, Pacific Section AAPG, 1996. Pp. 17 – 22.
14 Clarke D.D., Phillips C.C.Three-dimensional Geologic Modeling and Horizontal Drilling Bring More Oil out of the Wilmington Oil Field of Southern California. Horizontal wells: Focus on the reservoir: AAPG Methods in Exploration. No. 14, 2004. Pp. 27 – 47.
15 Smith T. Oil Under Foot. GEO ExPro, March 2007. Pp. 24 – 28.
16 Remaining Recoverable Petroleum in Ten Giant Oil Fields of the Los Angeles Basin, Southern California. Fact Sheet 2012 – 3120, Revised February 2013, USGS. 2013.

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