Сектор неконвенциональных углеводородов в США: интегратор технологических новаций



Технологический процесс в секторе добычи трудноизвлекаемых углеводородов проанализирован с точки зрения так называемых макро- и микроизобретений. Рассмотрен вклад в процесс коммерциализации ключевых технологий государства, компаний и научно-исследовательских институтов.

There was a 50-year gap between the breakthrough technologies creation, namely horizontal drilling and multistage hydraulic fracturing, and achieving commercial shale gas extraction. The article is devoted to the mechanism of technological advances and the role of government, private companies and research institutes.

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1. The Breakthrough Institute. Interview with Dan Steward, former Mitchell Energy Vice President [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://thebreakthrough.org/archive/interview_with_dan_steward_for (дата обращения: 19.03.2015).
2. Energy research at DOE: Was it worth it? Energy efficiency and fossil energy research 1978 to 2000 / National Research council. 2001. 240 p.
3. Energy policy act of 2005 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-109publ58/pdf/PLAW-109publ58.pdf (дата обращения: 19.03.2015).
4. Жуков С., Резникова О. Революция сланцевого газа: масштабы, перспективы и влияние на газовый рынок. Год планеты: ежегодник. Вып. 2012: экономика, политика, безопасность. М.: Идея-Пресс, 2012. 480 с.
5. Wang Z., Krupnick A. A Retrospective review of shale gas development in the United States. What led to the boom? / Resources for the future. April 2013. 39 p.
6. The Breakthrough Institute. Where the shale gas revolution came from. Government’s role in the development of hydraulic fracturing in shale. May 2012. 13 p.
7. Mokyr J. The level of riches: Technological creativity and economic progress / Oxford university press. 1990. 349 p.
8. Allen R.C. The British industrial revolution in global perspective (New approaches to economic and social history) / Cambridge university press. April 27, 2009. 342 p.


1. The Breakthrough institute. Interview with Dan Steward, former Mitchell Energy vice president [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://thebreakthrough.org/archive/interview_with_dan_steward_for (checked on March 19, 2015).
2. Energy research at DOE: Was it worth it? Energy efficiency and fossil energy research 1978 to 2000 / National research council. 2001 240 p.
3. Energy policy act of 2005 [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-109publ58/pdf/PLAW-109publ58.pdf (checked on march 19, 2015).
4. Zhukov S., Reznikova O. «Shale gas revolution»: scope, prospects and the influence on the natural gas market. Year of the planet: Yearbook. Vol. 2012: Economy, politics, security. Ch. Ed. – Corr. RAN V.G. Baranovsky. – Moscow:, Idea press. 2012. 480 p.
5. Wang Z., Krupnick A. A Retrospective review of shale gas development in the United States. What led to the boom? / Resources for the future. April 2013. 39 p.
6. The Breakthrough institute. Where the shale gas revolution came from. Government’s role in the development of hydraulic fracturing in shale. May 2012. 13 p.
7. Mokyr J. The level of riches: Technological creativity and economic progress /Oxford University press. 1990. 349 p.
8. Allen R.C. The British industrial revolution in global perspective (New approaches to economic and social history) / Cambridge University Press. April 27, 2009. 342 p.

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