Скин-фактор горизонтальной скважины в неоднородном пласте

Horizontal well skin factor in heterogeneous formation

L. GAYDUKOV, Institute of Problems of Petroleum and Gas of Russian Academy of Science
N. MIKHAYLOV, Gubkin Oil and Gas University

В статье предложена уточненная зависимость «скин-фактора» интервала горизонтальной скважины от определяющих параметров околоскважинной зоны.

Horizontal well skin factor cannot be correctly estimated from the well tested analysis and from the analytical expressions derived for vertical wells.

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  1. Гайдуков Л.А., Михайлов Н.Н. Влияние особенностей околоскважинных зон горизонтальных скважин на их продуктивность // Нефтяное хозяйство 2010. №1. С. 31 – 33.
  2. Hurst W. Establishment of the skin effect and its impediment to fluid flow into a well bore. // The Petroleum Engineer 1953. V. XXV. N11. P. 20 – 30.
  3. Иктисанов В.А. Определение фильтрационных параметров пластов и реологических свойств дисперсных систем при разработке нефтяных месторождений. М: ОАО ВНИИОЭРГ, 2001. 212 с.
  4. Михайлов Н.Н. Информационно-технологическая геодинамика околоскважинных зон. М.: Недра, 1996. 339 с.
  5. Suryananrayana P.V., Zhan Wu, Ramalho J., Himes R. Dynamic Modeling of Invasion Damage and Impact on Production in Horizontal Wells // SPE Report 95861, 2007.
  6. Зайцев М.В., Михайлов Н.Н. Влияние околоскважинной зоны на продуктивность скважины // Нефтяное хозяйство 2004. №1. С. 64 – 66.
  7. Ding Y., Longeron D., Audibert A. Modeling of Both Near-Wellbore Damage and Natural Cleanup of Horizontal Well Drilled With Water-Based Drilling Fluids // SPE 88807, 2004.
  8. Semmelbeck M.E., Holditch S.A., Dewan J.T. Invasion-Based Method For Estimating Permeability From Logs // SPE Report 30581, 1995.
  9. Renard G., Dupuy J.M. Formation damage effects on horizontal-well flow efficiency. SPE 19414, 1991.
  10. Frick T.P., Economides M.J. Horizontal Well Damage Characterization and Removal // SPE Production and Facilities, February 1993.


  1. L.A. Gaydukov, N.N. Mikhaylov. Influence of features of near-well zones of horizontal wells on their productivity // Oil economy, 2010, #1, Pp.31-33.
  2. 2.Hurst W. Establishment of the skin effect and its impediment to fluid flow into a well bore. // The Petroleum Engineer 1953. V. XXV. N11. P. 20-30.
  3. V.A. Iktisanov. Determining of filtration parameters of strata and rheologic properties of dispersion systems during development of oil fields. – M.: VNIIOERG JSC, 2001. – 212 pages.
  4. N.N. Mikhaylov. Information-technological geodynamics of near-well zones. – M.: Nedra, 1996. – 339 pages.
  5. 5.Suryananrayana P.V., Zhan Wu, Ramalho J., Himes R. Dynamic Modeling of Invasion Damage and Impact on Production in Horizontal Wells // SPE Report 95861, 2007.
  6. M.V. Zaytsev, N.N. Mikhaylov. Influence of near-well zone on wll productivity. // Oil economy 2004, #1, Pp.64-66.
  7. 7.Ding Y., Longeron D., Audibert А. Modeling of Both Near-Wellbore Damage and Natural Cleanup of Horizontal Well Drilled With Water-Based Drilling Fluids//SPE 88807, 2004.
  8. 8.Semmelbeck M.E., Holditch S.A., Dewan J.T. Invasion-Based Method For Estimating Permeability From Logs// SPE Report 30581, 1995.
  9. 9.Renard G., Dupuy J.M. Formation damage effects on horizontal-well flow efficiency. SPE 19414, 1991.
  10. 10.Frick T.P., Economides M.J. Horizontal Well Damage Characterization and Removal// SPE Production and Facilities, February 1993.

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    Гайдуков Л.А.

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    Михайлов Н.Н.

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