Брошенные платформы и грядущий «идеальный шторм» в Мексиканском заливе

Idle Iron platforms and coming «perfect storm» in the Gulf of Mexico

V. BOGOYAVLENSKIY, I. BOGOYAVLENSKIY, P. BARINOV, Oil and gas research institute Russian academy of sciences (OGRI RAS)

Одним из отрицательных результатов снижения цен на углеводороды в последние годы явилось значительное увеличение количества неутилизированных (брошенных) нефтегазовых платформ на шельфе США. Это явление несет новые угрозы экономике США и экосистеме Мексиканского залива. Отрасль ожидает «идеальный шторм», который начинается в Мексиканском заливе, и без того богатом на разрушительные для нефтяников ураганы.

As a result of oil price drop the number of «Idle Iron» platforms (without proper decommissioning) in the Gulf of Mexico increased significantly. This causes new threats to US economy and Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. The industry is about to undergo the «perfect storm» starting in the dangerously hurricane for oil and gas production Gulf of Mexico offshore.

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1. Богоявленский В.И. Нефтегазодобыча в Мировом океане и потенциал российского шельфа // ТЭК стратегии развития. М., 2012. № 6. С. 44 – 52.
2. Богоявленский В.И. Проблемы освоения ресурсов нефти и газа в Арктике и Мировом океане. // Сборник трудов Общественных слушаний «Научные и инновационные подходы к решению проблемы предупреждения аварийных ситуаций на объектах ответственного назначения» (Общественная палата 30 ноября 2012 г.). Владивосток, 2013. С. 55 – 67.
3. Богоявленский В.И. Арктика и Мировой океан: современное состояние, перспективы и проблемы освоения ресурсов углеводородов. // Монография. Труды Вольного экономического общества России, т. 182. М.: Изд. ВЭО России, 2014. № 3. С. 12 – 175.
4. Богоявленский В.И., Богоявленский И.В. Нефтегазовая отрасль и экономическая безопасность России. // ВЭО. 2016. № 199. С. 102 – 120.
5. Богоявленский В.И. Мониторинг природных и природно-техногенных процессов в районах проведения геологоразведочных работ и разработки месторождений углеводородов // Арктические ведомости. 2017. № 1. С.78 – 89.
6. Notice to lessees and operators of Federal oil and gas leases an pipeline right-of-way holders in the Outer Continental Shelf, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. // US Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, regulation and enforcement Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. BOEM, 2010. P. 11.
7. Idle Iron // Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enfor­cement. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.bsee.gov/what-we-do/environmental-focuses/decommissioning/idle-iron/ (дата обращения: 15.03.2017).
8. Actions Needed to Better Protect Against Billions of Dollars in Federal Exposure to Decomissioning Liabilities // US Government Accountability Office, 18/12/2015. P. 54.
9. Kaiser M.J., Pulsipher A.G. Idle Iron in the Gulf of Mexico. // Coastal Marine Institute Louisiana State University Center for Energy Studies U.S. Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service 2007. P. 197.
10. Risk Management // BOEM. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.boem.gov/Risk-Management. / (дата обращения: 15.03.2017).
11. Plough A., Halftermeyer M. Dangers in the Deep A $40 billion time-bomb threatening the Gulf // Debtwire Investigations 08/2016. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://try.debtwire.com/dwi-americas/(дата обращения: 15.03.2017).
12. Smith D.W. Fall in GoM decom activity signals need for technological leap // Decomworld 05/2016.
13. Celata M. Regulatory Considerations for Ensuring Decommissioning & Other Lease Obligations // BOEM, 2016. P. 38.
14. Idle Iron Statistics // Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. [Электронный ресурс] https://www.bsee.gov/site-page/idle-iron-statistics/(дата обращения: 15.03.2017).
15. Koks M. All Good Things Must End Decommissioning Oil and Gas Facilities and Bankruptcy Impacts // The Center For American And International Law 2017, Conference Chapter Pg. 23. Pg. 27.
16. Decommissioning of Aging Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities Increasing Significantly, with Annual Spending Rising to $13 Billion by 2040, IHS Markit Says // IHS Markit Press Release 29/11/2016.
17. Could the Gulfs 27,000 abandoned wells be leaking? The Associated Press, July 7. 2010.


1. Bogoyavlenskiy V.I. Oil and gas in the World ocean and the potential of the Russian shelf // TEK development strategy. Moscow, 2012. No.6. Pp. 44 – 52.
2. Bogoyavlenskiy V.I. The problems of oil and gas resources development in the Arctic and the World ocean. // The Public hearing collection of works «Science and innovative approaches to solving the problem of prevention of emergency situations on objects of responsible appointment» (Public chamber November 30, 2012). Vladivostok, 2013. Pp. 55 – 67.
3. Bogoyavlenskiy V.I. Arctic and World ocean: current state, prospects and problems of hydrocarbon resources development. // Monograph. The works ofthe Russian Free economic society, vol.182, M.: Ed. VEO of Russia, 2014. No. 3. Pp. 12 – 175.
4. Bogoyavlenskiy V.I. Bogoyavlensky I.V. Oil and gas industry and the economic security of Russia. // VEO. 2016. No. 199. Pp. 102 – 120.
5. Bogoyavlenskiy V.I. Monitoring of natural and natural-technogenic processes in the areas of exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits // Arctic Herald. 2017. No. 1. Pp. 78 – 89.
6. Notice to lessees and operators of Federal oil and gas leases an pipeline right-of-way holders in the Outer Continental Shelf, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. // US Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, regulation and enforcement Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. BOEM, 2010. P. 11.
7. Idle Iron // Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.bsee.gov/what-we-do/environmental-focuses/decommissioning/idle-iron (accessed: 15.03.2017).
8. Actions Needed to Better Protect Against Billions of Dollars in Federal Exposure to Decomissioning Liabilities // US Government Accountability Office, 18/12/2015. P. 54.
9. Kaiser M.J. Pulsipher A.G. Idle Iron in the Gulf of Mexico. // Coastal Marine Institute Louisiana State University Center for Energy Studies U.S. Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service 2007. P. 197.
10. Risk Management // BOEM. [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.boem.gov/Risk-Management / (accessed: 15.03.2017).
11. Plough A., Halftermeyer M. Dangers in the Deep A $40 billion time-bomb threatening the Gulf // Debtwire Investigations 08/2016. [Electronic resource] URL: http://try.debtwire.com/dwi-americas/(accessed: 15.03.2017).
12. Smith D.W. Fall in GoM decom activity signals need for technological leap // Decomworld 05/2016
13. Celata M. Regulatory Considerations for Ensuring Decommissioning & Other Lease Obligations // BOEM / 2016. P. 38.
14. Idle Iron Statistics // Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. [Electronic resource] https://www.bsee.gov/site-page/idle-iron-statistics (accessed: 15.03.2017).
15. Koks M. All Good Things Must End Decommissioning Oil and Gas Facilities and Bankruptcy Impacts // The Center For American And International Law 2017, Conference Chapter Pg. 23, Pg. 27.
16. Decommissioning of Aging Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities Increasing Significantly, with Annual Spending Rising to $13 Billion by 2040, IHS Markit Says // IHS Markit Press Release 29/11/2016.
17. Could the Gulfs 27.000 abandoned wells be leaking? The Associated Press, July 7. 2010.

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    Богоявленский В.И.

    Богоявленский В.И.

    член-корреспондент РАН, д.т.н., профессор, заместитель директора по науке, заведующий лабораторией «Шельф»

    Институт проблем нефти и газа РАН (ИПНГ РАН)

    Богоявленский И.В.

    Богоявленский И.В.

    научный сотрудник

    Институт проблем нефти и газа РАН

    Баринов П.С.

    Баринов П.С.

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