Динамика развития нефтетранспортных проектов в российской Арктике

Dynamics of projects development of oil transportation in Russian Arctic

M. Grigoryev, GСC GECON

Development of the projects of crude oil transport through the Russian Arctic terminals per 2000-2009 is described. Evolution of model of the Arctic petrotransport system is demonstrated. The markets of the Arctic crude oil are determined. Substantiated the conclusion about the redundancy of an available ice-class tanker fleet.

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  1. Григорьев М.Н. Центры нефтедобычи как основа развития добывающих отраслей топливно-энергет­ического комплекса // Нефтяное хозяйство. 2003. №12. C. 16 – 19.
  2. Bambulyak A., Frantzen B. Oil transport from the Russian part of the Barents Region. Status per January 2005. Svanhovd, Norway, 2005. 91 p.
  3. Толкачев В.Ф. Дорога к нефти. Архангельск, 2000. 608 с.
  4. Grigoriev M.N. Dynamics and prospects of oil export through Northwest Russian ports. In Bambulyak, F. and Frantzen, B. (2009). Oil transport from the Russian part of the Barents Region. Status per January 2009. The Norwegian Barents Secretariat and Akvaplan-niva, Norway. P. 67 – 72.
  5. Григорьев М.Н. Условия осадконакопления и образования коллекторов Песчаноозерского месторождения (нижний триас, о. Колгуев). Геологическое строение перспективных в нефтегазоносном отношении приполярных акваторий Мирового океана. Л.: ПГО Севморгеология, 1989.С. 33 – 46.
  6. ОАО «Российская инновационная топливно-энергетическая компания». Годовой отчет 2008. Москва, 2009. 42 с.


  1. M.N. Grigoryev. Conditions of accumulation of sediments and forming of reservoirs of PeschanoOzerskoe field (Lower Triassic, Kolguev island) // Geologic structure of oil-and-gas-bearing perspective defined water areas of near-Arctic World ocean. – L., SevMorGeologia PGO, 1989. Pp. 33-46.
  2. M.N. Grigoryev. Oil production centers as development basis of producing branches of fuel-energy complex // Oil economy, 2003, #12. Pp. 16-19.
  3. “Russian innovation fuel-energy company” JSC. Annual report 2008. M., 2009. 42 pages
  4. V.F. Tolkachyov. Road to oil. Arkhangelsk, 2000, 608 pages.
  5. Bambulyak A., Frantzen B. Oil transport from the Russian part of the Barents Region. Status per January 2005. Svanhovd, Norway. 2005. 91 p.
  6. Grigoriev M.N. Dynamics and prospects of oil export through Northwest Russian ports. In: Bambulyak, F. and Frantzen, B. (2009). Oil transport from the Russian part of the Barents Region. Status per January 2009. The Norwegian Barents Secretariat and Akvaplan-niva, Norway. – 97 p. Pp. 67-72.

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    Григорьев М.Н.

    Григорьев М.Н.

    директор ГКЦ «ГЕКОН», член Проблемного совета РАН по вопросам геологии и разработки месторождений нефти и газа

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